‘Saturday Night Live’ Tackles Trump’s Covid Plan, Rudy Giuliani and the Mute Button in Presidential Debate Sketch

  • Author: Danielle Turchiano
  • October 25,2020

‘Saturday Night Live’ Tackles Trump’s Covid Plan, Rudy Giuliani and the Mute Button in Presidential Debate Sketch With the second presidential debate leading the “Saturday Night Live’s” Oct 24 show, that meant both Alec Baldwin and Jim Carrey were once again in the spotlight. But, in a fun twist, so were Maya Rudolph and Kate McKinnon. The former cast member now known (and Emmy-winning) for her portrayal of Sen. Kamala Harris took on the role of debate moderator, journalist Kristen Welker, while current cast member McKinnon reprised her role as Rudy Giuliani.

Rudolph’s Welker kicked things off by announcing that this debate would have a mute button because “it was either that or tranquilizer darts,” but
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