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(Character | Sejanus Endemus | |
Scene type / Who are | Friends, Colleagues, In an interrogation scene, Having an argument, Giving advice on relationships, I wanted to tell you... I love you | |
Type | Dramatic | |
Year | 1603 | |
Period | Renaissance | |
Genre | Historical, Tragedy, Drama | |
Description | Sejanus convinces Endemus to arrange a meeting with Livia | |
Location | ACT I, Scene 2 |
Sejanus was an ambitious praetorian prefect and close advisor of emperor Tiberius. The play follows the rise and fall of this character as he plots his way to the top by murder and deceit. He plots to murder the emperor's son, Drusus, with his wife Livia. After having poisoned Drusus he tries to marry his widow and become Tiberius' heir. Tiberius, blind to Sejanus' schemes, strongly favors Sejanus, who becomes very powerful. Sejanus and his followers persecute and kill anybody who may threaten his rise to power. Eventually Tiberius realizes what is going on in his court, has Sejanus arrested and executed.
In this scene Sejanus approaches Livia's physician, Endemus, and asks details about her life. Endemus is reluctant to give him any information but promises to arrange a meeting with her.
In this scene Sejanus approaches Livia's physician, Endemus, and asks details about her life. Endemus is reluctant to give him any information but promises to arrange a meeting with her.
Written by Administrator
Excerpt |
Sej. I have a grief, sir, That will desire your help. Your name's Eudemus! Eud. Yes. Sej. Sir? Eud. It is, my lord. Sej. I hear you are Physician to Livia, the princess. Eud. I minister unto her, my good lord. Sej. You minister to a royal lady, then. Eud. She is, my, lord, and fair. Sej. That's understood Of all her sex, who are or would be so; And those that would be, physic soon can make them: For those that are, their beauties fear no colours. Eud. Your lordship is conceited. Sej. Sir, you know it, And can, if need be, read a learned lecture On this, and other secrets. 'Pray you, tell me, What more of ladies besides Livia, Have you your patients? Eud. Many, my good lord. The great Augusta, Urgulania, Mutilia Prisca, and Plancina; divers—— Sej. And all these tell you the particulars Of every several grief? how first it grew, And then increased; what action caused that; What passion that: and answer to each point That you will put them? Eud. Else, my lord, we know not How to prescribe the remedies. Sej. Go to, you are a subtile nation, you physicians! And grown the only cabinets in court, To ladies' privacies. Faith, which of these Is the most pleasant lady in her physic? Come, you are modest now. Eud. 'Tis fit, my lord. Sej. Why, sir, I do not-ask you of their urines, Whose smell's most violet, or whose siege is best, Or who makes hardest faces on her stool? Which lady sleeps with her own face a nights? Which puts her teeth off, with her clothes, in court? Or, which her hair, which her complexion, And, in which box she puts it; These were questions, That might, perhaps, have put your gravity To some defence of blush. But, I enquired, Which was the wittiest, merriest, wantonnest? H armless intergatories, but conceits.—— Methinks Augusta should be most perverse, And froward in her fit. Eud. She's so, my lord. Sej. I knew it: and Mutilia the most jocund. Eud. 'Tis very true, my lord. Sej. And why would you Conceal this from me, now? Come, what is Livia? I know she's quick and quaintly spirited, And will have strange thoughts, when she is at leisure: She tells them all to you. Eud. My noblest lord, He breathes not in the empire, or on earth. Whom I would be ambitious to serve In any act, that may preserve mine honour, Before your lordship. Sej. Sir, you can lose no honour, By trusting aught to me. The coarsest act Done to my service, I can so requite, As all the world shall style it honourable: Your idle, virtuous definitions, Keep honour poor, and are as scorn'd as vain: Those deeds breathe honour that do suck in gain. Eud. But, good my lord, if I should thus betray The counsels of my patient, and a lady's Of her high place and worth; what might your lordship, Who presently are to trust me with your own, Judge of my faith? Sej. Only the best I swear. Say now that I should utter you my grief, And with it the true cause; that it were love, And love to Livia; you should tell her this: Should she suspect your faith; I would you could Tell me as much from her; see if my brain Could be turn'd jealous. Eud. Happily, my lord, I could in time tell you as much and more; So I might safely promise but the first To her from you. Sej. As safely, my Eudemus, I now dare call thee so, as I have put The secret into thee. Eud. My lord—— Sej. Protest not, Thy looks are vows to me; use only speed, And but affect her with Sejanus' love, Thou art a man, made to make consuls. Go. Eud. My lord, I'll promise you a private meeting This day together. Sej. Canst thou? Eud. Yes. Sej. The place? Eud. My gardens, whither I shall fetch your lordship Sej; Let me adore my AEsculapius. Why, this indeed is physic! and outspeaks The knowledge of cheap drugs, or any use Can be made out of it! more comforting Than all your opiates, juleps, apozems, Magistral syrups, or—— Be gone, my friend, Not barely styled, but created so; Expect things greater than thy largest hopes, To overtake thee: Fortune shall be taught To know how ill she hath deserv'd thus long, To come behind thy wishes. Go, and speed. [Exit Eudemus. Ambition makes more trusty slaves than need. These fellows, by the favour of their art, Have still the means to tempt; oft-times the power. If Livia will be now corrupted, then Thou hast the way, Sejanus, to work out His secrets, who, thou know'st, endures thee not, Her husband, Drusus: and to work against them. Prosper it, Pallas, thou that better'st wit; For Venus hath the smallest share in it. |