"Ellen Schoeters is a member of Actorama + where actors can upload a monologue or scene performance for peer review. What do you think of Ellen Schoeters's performance?"
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(Character | Toby | |
Gender | Male | |
Age Range(s) | Young Adult (20-35), Adult (36-50) | |
Type of monologue / Character is | Descriptive, Afraid, Reminiscing life story/Telling a story | |
Type | Dramatic | |
Year | 1846 | |
Period | 19th Century | |
Genre | Drama, Horror, Adventure | |
Description | Toby narrates his near-death encounter with the Happar tribe | |
Location | Chapter 13 |
The story is about two crew members of a whaling ship, "The Dolly", that decide to escape and hide on a tropical island. The two men are Tommo, the narrator, and Toby. The occasion to escape presents itself when the ship stops in the Marquesas Islands of the South Pacific. The story follows them as they try to survive on the island and then as they live with the Typee tribe, a tribe of cannibals that inhabit the island along with the Happar tribe. At first they integrate in their lifestyle and enjoy their time with the tribe but then gradually they start fearing for their life and decide to escape. Toby escapes first and Tommo doesn't know if he has been killed or has just escaped and grows paranoid. Eventually Tommo escapes with the help of an Australian whaling captain.
This monologue is in chapter 13. Toby has left the tribe to travel to a nearby island in order to find a medicine for Tommo's ailing leg. A few hours later Toby is found unconscious nearby the Happar territory. In this monologue he narrates a near-death encounter with three members of the Happar tribe and how he escaped from them.
This monologue is in chapter 13. Toby has left the tribe to travel to a nearby island in order to find a medicine for Tommo's ailing leg. A few hours later Toby is found unconscious nearby the Happar territory. In this monologue he narrates a near-death encounter with three members of the Happar tribe and how he escaped from them.
Written by Administrator
Excerpt |
TOBY After leaving the house with Marheyo, we struck across the valley, and ascended the opposite heights. Just beyond them, my guide informed me, lay the valley of Happar, while along their summits, and skirting the head of the vale, was my route to Nukuheva. After mounting a little way up the elevation my guide paused, and gave me to understand that he could not accompany me any farther, and by various signs intimated that he was afraid to approach any nearer the territories of the enemies of his tribe. He however pointed out my path, which now lay clearly before me, and bidding me farewell, hastily descended the mountain. Quite elated at being so near the Happars, I pushed up the acclivity, and soon gained its summit. It tapered to a sharp ridge, from whence I beheld both the hostile valleys. Here I sat down and rested for a moment, refreshing myself with my coconuts. I was soon again pursuing my way along the height, when suddenly I saw three of the islanders, who must have just come out of Happar valley, standing in the path ahead of me. They were each armed with a heavy spear, and one from his appearance I took to be a chief. They sung out something, I could not understand what, and beckoned me to come on. Without the least hesitation I advanced towards them, and had approached within about a yard of the foremost, when, pointing angrily into the Typee valley, and uttering some savage exclamation, he wheeled round his weapon like lightning, and struck me in a moment to the ground. The blow inflicted this wound, and took away my senses. As soon as I came to myself, I perceived the three islanders standing a little distance off, and apparently engaged in some violent altercation respecting me. My first impulse was to run for it; but, in endeavouring to rise, I fell back, and rolled down a little grassy precipice. The shock seemed to rally my faculties; so, starting to my feet, I fled down the path I had just ascended. I had no need to look behind me, for, from the yells I heard, I knew that my enemies were in full pursuit. Urged on by their fearful outcries, and heedless of the injury I had received--though the blood flowing from the wound trickled over into my eyes and almost blinded me--I rushed down the mountain side with the speed of the wind. In a short time I had descended nearly a third of the distance, and the savages had ceased their cries, when suddenly a terrific howl burst upon my ear, and at the same moment a heavy javelin darted past me as I fled, and stuck quivering in a tree close to me. Another yell followed, and a second spear and a third shot through the air within a few feet of my body, both of them piercing the ground obliquely in advance of me. The fellows gave a roar of rage and disappointment; but they were afraid, I suppose, of coming down further into the Typee valley, and so abandoned the chase. I saw them recover their weapons and turn back; and I continued my descent as fast as I could. What could have caused this ferocious attack on the part of these Happars I could not imagine, unless it were that they had seen me ascending the mountain with Marheyo, and that the mere fact of coming from the Typee valley was sufficient to provoke them. As long as I was in danger I scarcely felt the wound I had received; but when the chase was over I began to suffer from it. I had lost my hat in the flight, and the run scorched my bare head. I felt faint and giddy; but, fearful of falling to the ground beyond the reach of assistance, I staggered on as well as I could, and at last gained the level of the valley, and then down I sank; and I knew nothing more until I found myself lying upon these mats, and you stooping over me with the calabash of water. |