"Ellen Schoeters is a member of Actorama + where actors can upload a monologue or scene performance for peer review. What do you think of Ellen Schoeters's performance?"
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(Character | Admetus | |
Gender | Male | |
Age Range(s) | Adult (36-50), Senior (>50) | |
Type of monologue / Character is | Crying, Depressed, Lamenting, Frustrated, Apologetic | |
Type | Dramatic | |
Period | Ancient Greek | |
Genre | Tragedy, Drama | |
Description | King Admetus laments the death of his wife |
In the background story of the play, the Greek god Apollo manages to convince the Fates (Gods of destiny and death) to let King Admetus (Apollo's friend) live longer. The price that he has to pay is that somebody else needs to take his place when his time to die comes. His devoted wife Alcestis agrees to take his place.
The play starts with Alcestis' imminent death. Thanatos, Death, comes to claim her and Apollo asks him to delay her death to no avail. Eventually she is taken away by Death and in this monologue Admetus laments the death of his wife to the Chorus.
The play starts with Alcestis' imminent death. Thanatos, Death, comes to claim her and Apollo asks him to delay her death to no avail. Eventually she is taken away by Death and in this monologue Admetus laments the death of his wife to the Chorus.
Written by Administrator
Excerpt |
ADMETUS O friends, whatsoever may be thought by others, to me it seems that my wife's fate is happier than mine. Now, no pain ever shall touch her again; she has reached the noble end of all her sufferings. But I, I who should have died, I have escaped my fate, only to drag out a wretched life. Only now do I perceive it. How shall I summon strength to enter this house? Whom shall I greet? Who will greet me in joy at my coming? Whither shall I turn my steps? I shall be driven forth by solitude when I see my bed widowed of my wife, empty the chairs on which she sat, a dusty floor beneath my roof, my children falling at my knees and calling for their mother, and the servants lamenting for the noble lady lost from the house! Such will be my life within the house. Without, I shall be driven from marriage-feasts and gatherings of the women of Thessaly. I shall not endure to look upon my wife's friends. Those who hate me will say: 'See how he lives in shame, the man who dared not die, the coward who gave his wife to Hades in his stead! Is that a man? He hates his parents, yet he himself refused to die!' This evil fame I have added to my other sorrows. O my friends, what then avails it that I live, if I must live in misery and shame? |