"Ellen Schoeters is a member of Actorama + where actors can upload a monologue or scene performance for peer review. What do you think of Ellen Schoeters's performance?"
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(Character | Volumnia | |
Gender | Female | |
Age Range(s) | Senior (>50) | |
Type of monologue / Character is | Scolding, Persuasive | |
Type | Dramatic | |
Period | Renaissance | |
Genre | Tragedy, Drama | |
Description | Volumnia scolds Coriolanus for his attitude | |
Location | ACT III, Scene 2 |
The play is set in the city of Rome and is based on the legendary Roman general Gaius Martius Coriolanus. In the first scene of the play Caius Martius and several Roman rulers have to deal with a riot of the common people that are protesting because of a shortage of grain. A war soon breaks out between Rome and a neighboring tribe, the Volscians, led by Tullus Aufidius. After a hard battle, Gaius Martius manages to conquer the Volscian's city or Corioles and, having fought with valor, is given the nickname "Coriolanus" because of that.
When he returns to Rome, the Senate decides to make him consul and they ask him to get the approval of the plebeians by narrating his war stories to the public. The common people accept to vote for him at first, but after two tribunes who oppose Coriolanus, Brutus and Sicinius, rally against him in public, they decide not to vote for him. Coriolanus is furious and denounces the common people of Rome. The plebeians try to seize him to execute him but Coriolanus manages to escape.
In ACT III, Scene 2 Coriolanus meets his mother Volumnia who scolds him for his attitude towards the common people and urges him to apologize to them in public.
When he returns to Rome, the Senate decides to make him consul and they ask him to get the approval of the plebeians by narrating his war stories to the public. The common people accept to vote for him at first, but after two tribunes who oppose Coriolanus, Brutus and Sicinius, rally against him in public, they decide not to vote for him. Coriolanus is furious and denounces the common people of Rome. The plebeians try to seize him to execute him but Coriolanus manages to escape.
In ACT III, Scene 2 Coriolanus meets his mother Volumnia who scolds him for his attitude towards the common people and urges him to apologize to them in public.
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Excerpt |
VOLUMNIA You are too absolute; Though therein you can never be too noble, But when extremities speak. I have heard you say, Honour and policy, like unsever'd friends, I' the war do grow together: grant that, and tell me, In peace what each of them by the other lose, That they combine not there. [CORIOLANUS Tush, tush!] [MENENIUS A good demand.] VOLUMNIA If it be honour in your wars to seem The same you are not, which, for your best ends, You adopt your policy, how is it less or worse, That it shall hold companionship in peace With honour, as in war, since that to both It stands in like request? [CORIOLANUS Why force you this?] VOLUMNIA Because that now it lies you on to speak To the people; not by your own instruction, Nor by the matter which your heart prompts you, But with such words that are but rooted in Your tongue, though but bastards and syllables Of no allowance to your bosom's truth. Now, this no more dishonours you at all Than to take in a town with gentle words, Which else would put you to your fortune and The hazard of much blood. I would dissemble with my nature where My fortunes and my friends at stake required I should do so in honour: I am in this, Your wife, your son, these senators, the nobles; And you will rather show our general louts How you can frown than spend a fawn upon 'em, For the inheritance of their loves and safeguard Of what that want might ruin. [MENENIUS Noble lady! Come, go with us; speak fair: you may salve so, Not what is dangerous present, but the loss Of what is past.] VOLUMNIA I prithee now, my son, Go to them, with this bonnet in thy hand; And thus far having stretch'd it--here be with them-- Thy knee bussing the stones--for in such business Action is eloquence, and the eyes of the ignorant More learned than the ears--waving thy head, Which often, thus, correcting thy stout heart, Now humble as the ripest mulberry That will not hold the handling: or say to them, Thou art their soldier, and being bred in broils Hast not the soft way which, thou dost confess, Were fit for thee to use as they to claim, In asking their good loves, but thou wilt frame Thyself, forsooth, hereafter theirs, so far As thou hast power and person. [MENENIUS This but done, Even as she speaks, why, their hearts were yours; For they have pardons, being ask'd, as free As words to little purpose.] VOLUMNIA Prithee now, Go, and be ruled: although I know thou hadst rather Follow thine enemy in a fiery gulf Than flatter him in a bower. Here is Cominius. |