Are you looking to cast extras in the New York area for your feature film, short film, music video, play, web show or commercial? In this New York extras casting section of Actorama we have listed all our actor profiles of talent that is available for background work. You may also go to our casting calls section and post an extras casting call for the New York area. Below are some of our actors that have indicated in their profile that are interested in casting calls for extras in New York. If you are an actor based in New York who is interested in being listed is this extras casting calls section for New York, you may open a profile and indicate that you are available for extra work in the New York area.
These are the most recent actors with profile pictures in the New York area that have signed up on our website and are available for extra work:
In New York we have a total of 368 actors available for extra work. 213 have profile pictures.