The Cartesian Theatre's ten-minute play, The Most Important Meal, has recently been chosen for a performance at the Shoe Box Theatre Festival at the Venice Island Performing Arts Center during the weekend of May 17th. The Most Important Meal challenges the constantly changing nutritional trends, along with the corporations and news outlets that change them. Back in the 1950s, Dan was eating breakfast when his future self comes to warn him...about the cholesterol in his eggs. Just as Dan swears off eggs forever, another future version of himself tells him that eggs are actually healthy. Next thing he knows, Dan’s kitchen is filled with future versions of himself arguing over nutrition and keeping Dan from eating his breakfast.
Right now, we're looking for actors and understudies who can perform the following roles:
DAN: Male, 20s, any race. A man from the 50s who’s hungry and wants to eat his breakfast.
MAN FROM THE NEAR FUTURE: Male, forties, same race as Dan. A time-travelling visitor from the year 1980 with a warning for Dan’s past self. Has slightly greying hair and a lab coat.
MAN FROM THE DISTANT FUTURE: Male, eighties, same race as Dan, or completely different race for humor. A time-travelling visitor from the year 2018 with a warning for Dan’s past self; directly contradicting The Man from the Near Future. Has very grey hair, a long grey beard, and a lab coat.
MAN FROM THE MIDDLING FUTURE: Male, sixties, same race as Dan, or completely different race for humor. A time-travelling visitor from the year 2006 with a warning for Dan’s past self; directly contradicting The Man from the Distant Future. Has very grey hair, and a lab coat, but no beard.
We will be having our auditions on April 18th 7PM at Venice Island PAC, 7 Lock Street Philadelphia, PA 19127.